
chatbox rules / 聊天室規則

  1. No Repeated Messages
  2. No Buy and Sell Message, Please Use Trading Area
  3. No Disguise
  4. No Advertisements
  5. No Verbally Attacks On Any Members
  6. No Emails/Telephone Registered Names
  7. Admins’ Decisions Shall Be Respected
  8. Any admins’ foul plays are found, please send mails to info@iphone4hongkong.com
  1. 禁止洗板
  2. 禁止買賣信息,請使用買賣專區
  3. 禁止欺詐
  4. 禁止廣告/宣傳
  5. 禁止互相攻擊
  6. 禁止使用電郵/電話號碼作為用戶名稱
  7. 管理員擁有最終決定權
  8. 有意見/疑問可電郵:info@iphone4hongkong.com

1 則留言:

  1. Are the replies above considered as "foul plays"? If yes, would Admin please kindly ban the user and the ip.
