
2010-12-20 即時聊天室留言存檔

  1. app:
    2010-12-20 1:20 AM
  2. Dee:Good Day, Good Morning !2010-12-20 9:02 AM
  3. 董菲:早安2010-12-20 9:03 AM
  4. Dee:都 cut 曬啦! 有什麼 good 唔 good !2010-12-20 9:04 AM
  5. 董菲:新的一天ma2010-12-20 9:07 AM
  6. CalmDown:re Dee: don't be mad, i think you are not the one who have the heaviest hit on the C-day2010-12-20 9:08 AM
  7. CalmDown:good morning all2010-12-20 9:08 AM
  8. CalmDown:as discussed last week, the 66 is really coming, really 六六無窮人2010-12-20 9:09 AM
  9. Dee:Thank you so much to CalmDown & 董菲 ! ^^2010-12-20 9:10 AM
  10. Kaso:打左俾apple la2010-12-20 9:10 AM
  11. XMAX:will apple stop delivery during the christmas?2010-12-20 9:10 AM
  12. aaa:仲係nys+parcel in即係點2010-12-20 9:12 AM
  13. CalmDown:aaa, means nothing2010-12-20 9:12 AM
  14. 晴晴:good morning2010-12-20 9:12 AM
  15. CalmDown:it is the status when you just placed your order2010-12-20 9:12 AM
  16. km:PFS 會吾會被cut?2010-12-20 9:13 AM
  17. 晴晴:好驚險呀......NYS >> PFS >>> NYS >>> PFS2010-12-20 9:13 AM
  18. km:係呀心情似坐過山車2010-12-20 9:13 AM
  19. 晴晴:咁樣會唔會 cut 架?2010-12-20 9:13 AM
  20. 晴晴:我 order 2 pcs. 咋喎2010-12-20 9:14 AM
  21. Kaso:打俾apple 轉pfs2010-12-20 9:14 AM
  22. km:轉左pfs 佢又咪會轉返nys~~2010-12-20 9:15 AM
  23. CalmDown:only if the packages are on your hand = safe2010-12-20 9:16 AM
  24. 董菲:個日轉來轉去...想點...2010-12-20 9:16 AM
  25. 真iPhone人:-,-2010-12-20 9:16 AM
  26. iphone8:morning2010-12-20 9:17 AM
  27. aaa:calmdown, 我之前係courier的2010-12-20 9:18 AM
  28. iPhone人:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-20 9:18 AM
  29. 真iPhone人:on99 32.82 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-20 9:19 AM
  30. CalmDown:re aaa: same, and my orders were cut2010-12-20 9:20 AM
  31. Kevin:外賣左?2010-12-20 9:20 AM
  32. CalmDown:it's just...somehow, we need lucks2010-12-20 9:20 AM
  33. CalmDown:but surely, i don't have it2010-12-20 9:20 AM
  34. CalmDown:well, i have to focus on my work lu, see u guys2010-12-20 9:21 AM
  35. Kevin:開賣左?2010-12-20 9:22 AM
  36. 董菲:o ....原來真係有d 16出左2010-12-20 9:22 AM
  37. Kevin:出左???2010-12-20 9:23 AM
  38. 董菲:貨ar2010-12-20 9:23 AM
  39. 真iPhone人:出出出~2010-12-20 9:26 AM
  40. iPhone人:56002010-12-20 9:30 AM
  41. 真iPhone人:唔悶嫁? 傻仔2010-12-20 9:31 AM
  42. 一速都要:真iPhone人:十卜十卜2010-12-20 9:31 AM
  43. Schizo:終於重見 65XX,恭喜晒重有貨嘅 ching !!2010-12-20 9:33 AM
  44. 真iPhone人:昨天有人收66002010-12-20 9:34 AM
  45. CalmDown:see, 當個價又升返o既時候, 之前o個 d 成日上o黎話係人傻仔, 話咩你以為 iphone 係黃金咩, 會升架? o既人又消失了2010-12-20 9:34 AM
  46. CalmDown:iphone 的確唔係黃金, 但係比黃金好賺2010-12-20 9:35 AM
  47. 真iPhone人:好耐唔見 drop 出聲了 ~~ :D2010-12-20 9:35 AM
  48. CalmDown:其實 drop 係複姓 "無得"2010-12-20 9:35 AM
  49. 真iPhone人:呵呵2010-12-20 9:36 AM
  50. Schizo:出聲就真傻仔喇,白痴成咁 XD2010-12-20 9:36 AM
  51. 反恐組:今天還有.6450嗎?2010-12-20 9:38 AM
  52. Schizo:俾蘋果"線" 死,以為有新貨點知咳,出晒貨攪到而家得個睇字。。2010-12-20 9:38 AM
  53. Schizo:今日睇 66XX 添,6450?歷史啦好快2010-12-20 9:39 AM
  54. CalmDown:67暴動2010-12-20 9:41 AM
  55. Schizo:咁嘅行情都唔夠300在線,可見有貨嘅 ching 唔多喇2010-12-20 9:42 AM
  56. Schizo:恭喜有貨,出到貨,頂到貨嘅大賺特賺!! 67 見2010-12-20 9:43 AM
  57. 過路人:會唔會去到st, 又比人壓價?2010-12-20 9:46 AM
  58. Felix:ching , 我想問今日16G 收幾多?2010-12-20 9:46 AM
  59. 鋒:drop個中文名應該叫"無得執"XDDD 就係因為佢無得執所以成日5600 , 哈~~2010-12-20 9:47 AM
  60. Schizo:過路人/Felix:而家佢求你,唔咁壓價,唔啱即走,記住!今日未有價,琴日ST 收6450-6530 wor,做住參考先!2010-12-20 9:48 AM
  61. Felix:Schizo , Thx!~2010-12-20 9:50 AM
  62. 南韓消費者:訂iphone 係好需要技巧, 心思2010-12-20 9:50 AM
  63. 過路人:Schizo: thanks2010-12-20 9:50 AM
  64. Schizo:: P2010-12-20 9:51 AM
  65. 真iPhone人:p2010-12-20 9:53 AM
  66. cys:hi!morning all2010-12-20 9:55 AM
  67. k:my fd order still nys!2010-12-20 9:56 AM
  68. mc:morning all2010-12-20 9:58 AM
  69. jacky:me22010-12-20 9:58 AM
  70. mc:尋曰真的有做過6530?2010-12-20 9:59 AM
  71. T:我都有2個ORDER STILL NYS....2010-12-20 9:59 AM
  72. 七千:大家會唔會等到$7000?2010-12-20 10:01 AM
  73. =]=]:T, me 22010-12-20 10:02 AM
  74. =]=]:my order all nys~2010-12-20 10:03 AM
  75. =]=]:=3=2010-12-20 10:03 AM
  76. 升呀~:7千有機既2010-12-20 10:04 AM
  77. WC:ME TOO STILL NYS WHY2010-12-20 10:05 AM
  78. IPHONEHD:NYS WILL BE BYE BYE???2010-12-20 10:07 AM
  79. cys:都未到24/12,比d耐性la,最緊要有貨收姐~2010-12-20 10:09 AM
  80. carmen:hv 6600 mei2010-12-20 10:10 AM
  81. 訂得啦?:有得預訂 ,http://www.computer1314forum.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=665&extra=page%3D1">鏈接2010-12-20 10:10 AM
  82. WC:統計:DFRIEND 5部就NYS2010-12-20 10:10 AM
  83. 毛:6610 today2010-12-20 10:11 AM
  84. ly::o2010-12-20 10:11 AM
  85. ly:個box用得返了2010-12-20 10:11 AM
  86. ly:之前死左好多日...2010-12-20 10:11 AM
  87. dada:I have one order 5 pcs, nys2010-12-20 10:11 AM
  88. carmen:wah,...i sold 6250 before..so sad :-(2010-12-20 10:11 AM
  89. 升呀~:係未貨到先扣錢?2010-12-20 10:12 AM
  90. 董菲:中文訂個d 有冇人返左a2010-12-20 10:12 AM
  91. NTST:出貨扣錢2010-12-20 10:12 AM
  92. NYS:周圍都吹話6500 但係ST都搵唔到6500既??2010-12-20 10:13 AM
  93. 升呀~:pfs 之後就扣?2010-12-20 10:14 AM
  94. T:係喎我個D 5PCS來的.. nys2010-12-20 10:14 AM
  95. WC:暫時所知基本5部以上NYS2010-12-20 10:14 AM
  96. Schizo:NYS:有貨你就好定,周圍都加,又缺貨,你叫 6500 我唔信佢唔收,66XX 都離緊喇, ching !2010-12-20 10:15 AM
  97. 鋒:2部以上o個o的應該係等cut=.=2010-12-20 10:15 AM
  98. NYS:我果d貨係上一水架,今次果d都 cut哂2010-12-20 10:16 AM
  99. Schizo:有貨就恭喜你啦,定!2010-12-20 10:17 AM
  100. WC:5部新ACCOUNT蘋果都無叫吃蕉,舊客好多2010-12-20 10:17 AM
  101. WC:die hard2010-12-20 10:17 AM
  102. XMAX:係公司打機會唔會好過份?_?2010-12-20 10:18 AM
  103. WC:睇你份工對你重唔重要2010-12-20 10:19 AM
  104. XMAX:咁開波啦 日日坐一個鐘就冇野做2010-12-20 10:20 AM
  105. XMAX:悶*死2010-12-20 10:20 AM
  106. cys:尋日見到有ching話訂10部,已經收到貨,唔知真定假?2010-12-20 10:21 AM
  107. WC:10 ? 5部新account都無2010-12-20 10:23 AM
  108. 鋒:話知佢收幾萬部o丫 , 關人咩事=.= ha~~2010-12-20 10:23 AM
  109. Schizo:蘋果唔歡迎舊客,咳得就咳2010-12-20 10:23 AM
  110. WC:NEW ACCOUNT都無貨比2010-12-20 10:24 AM
  111. Schizo:無貨一身輕,我等著你回來,我等著你回來,iPhone 重開吧。。。2010-12-20 10:24 AM
  112. Angus:sxtill nys/.\2010-12-20 10:24 AM
  113. mc:我星期六去st見好多人放條機2010-12-20 10:25 AM
  114. Angus:過左10點今日係咪應該唔開?2010-12-20 10:25 AM
  115. IPHONEHD:係都1月先再開啦2010-12-20 10:25 AM
  116. IPHONEHD:依家仲有人NYS2010-12-20 10:25 AM
  117. Angus:我12部全部NYS, 未變過2010-12-20 10:26 AM
  118. 董菲:首要係大陸開wo2010-12-20 10:26 AM
  119. newone:有2至3 個 ching, sell 了10 pcs2010-12-20 10:27 AM
  120. WC:1單12部好危2010-12-20 10:27 AM
  121. kkau:我fd 10 部已收貨, 葵芳自取2010-12-20 10:27 AM
  122. Schizo:IPHONEHD:就算而家開,都出年先有機,對市場衝擊唔大,無乜貨,66/67 算好好價,重貨嘅可以出D先(個人意見)2010-12-20 10:28 AM
  123. 真iPhone人:~~~~ 聖誕快樂 ~~~~2010-12-20 10:28 AM
  124. Angus:2個ACC( 8+4)2010-12-20 10:28 AM
  125. 升呀~:唔知會唔會開呢2010-12-20 10:28 AM
  126. IPHONEHD:大陸開價即跌冇SO2010-12-20 10:28 AM
  127. WC:好D2010-12-20 10:28 AM
  128. =]=]:angus, apple 有無要你reauthorisation呀?!2010-12-20 10:28 AM
  129. IPHONEHD:-.-?2010-12-20 10:29 AM
  130. Angus:reauthorisation ???2010-12-20 10:29 AM
  131. cys:我唔敢訂太多,驚比apple cut,最多都係4部2010-12-20 10:29 AM
  132. =]=]:angus, yes2010-12-20 10:29 AM
  133. Angus:我第一次買, 諗住咁好彩收到貨6.5K我即放...2010-12-20 10:29 AM
  134. Angus:WT IS reauthorisation2010-12-20 10:30 AM
  135. =]=]:reauthorisation Credit Card~2010-12-20 10:30 AM
  136. 升呀~:10點半都到 仲會開唔開?2010-12-20 10:30 AM
  137. IPHONEHD:DIU APPLE CUT我4部2010-12-20 10:30 AM
  138. Angus:無WO, 我分2張卡買都無2010-12-20 10:30 AM
  139. yoyo:吾會, 明年先開2010-12-20 10:30 AM
  140. IPHONEHD:但係又有人訂到4部2010-12-20 10:31 AM
  141. IPHONEHD:真P K2010-12-20 10:31 AM
  142. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 10:31 AM
  143. =]=]:我都係分兩張,但全部都要reauthorisation2010-12-20 10:31 AM
  144. =]=]:=3=2010-12-20 10:31 AM
  145. Angus:你係咪係EMAIL收到要reauthorisation, 如困係既我就無喇2010-12-20 10:32 AM
  146. toystrader:to =]=], after that they will change to pfs~2010-12-20 10:32 AM
  147. 升呀~:趺緊????2010-12-20 10:32 AM
  148. Angus:但由DAY1開始都係NYS未郁過...2010-12-20 10:32 AM
  149. =]=]:toystrader, really2010-12-20 10:32 AM
  150. =]=]:???2010-12-20 10:32 AM
  151. toystrader:my case yes, as apple try to get the full payment b4 shipment2010-12-20 10:33 AM
  152. Jmama:i re-authorisation last friday....now still NYS =.=2010-12-20 10:33 AM
  153. toystrader:better check with the card centre, if they said payment made->chnage to pfs whitin 1/2 days2010-12-20 10:35 AM
  154. 000:st 咁早開左喇咩= =2010-12-20 10:35 AM
  155. =]=]:jmama,me too but i on thur2010-12-20 10:35 AM
  156. Angus:要authorisation係咪會SD EMAIL比你?2010-12-20 10:35 AM
  157. IPHONEHD:請註冊1 可唔可以6300比幾部我?2010-12-20 10:36 AM
  158. carmen:i need 6600 law2010-12-20 10:36 AM
  159. =]=]:toys, i also check with the card centre, they said is ok~2010-12-20 10:36 AM
  160. Angus:要authorisation係咪會SD EMAIL比你?2010-12-20 10:37 AM
  161. =]=]:angus, yes~2010-12-20 10:37 AM
  162. Angus:THANKS...:)2010-12-20 10:38 AM
  163. toystrader:i mean has apple charged your card with full payment or not2010-12-20 10:38 AM
  164. T:有無人d nys 單都係一直無收過confirm e-mail?2010-12-20 10:39 AM
  165. toystrader:btw, is ip4 from singapore still have market?2010-12-20 10:39 AM
  166. Jmama:yes...you can check whether your card got hold payment or not........but you can nth to do if the status still in NYS..2010-12-20 10:39 AM
  167. =]=]:吓toys, 我唔係好明你講咩 ~2010-12-20 10:40 AM
  168. CalmDown:hi, 想問樣o野2010-12-20 10:40 AM
  169. Jmama:seems only hsbc/hs card so trouble........i have CCB card...all billing info not match...but still can go thu.2010-12-20 10:41 AM
  170. CalmDown:我想問有冇人試過, 本身訂過一次, 但唔夠十部, 之後再 order 過o左十部之後, 打返去 cs 度, 叫佢改張單o既數改到前後訂o既總數做返十部?2010-12-20 10:41 AM
  171. =]=]:the bank said, they Authorized2010-12-20 10:42 AM
  172. 董菲:boc 都要2010-12-20 10:42 AM
  173. =]=]:boc要咩??2010-12-20 10:43 AM
  174. 董菲:re -Auth2010-12-20 10:43 AM
  175. CalmDown:我想問有冇人試過, 本身訂過一次, 但唔夠十部, 之後再 order 過o左十部之後, 打返去 cs 度, 叫佢改張單o既數改到前後訂o既總數做返十部?2010-12-20 10:43 AM
  176. CS:各位ching,新加坡枚收唔收ga?2010-12-20 10:44 AM
  177. =]=]:之前hsbc, hs都唔洗架啵2010-12-20 10:44 AM
  178. CS:新加坡都係sim free2010-12-20 10:46 AM
  179. carmen:really plan to order sinapore iphone2010-12-20 10:47 AM
  180. CalmDown:oh really?咁可以叫個 fd 訂 d 俾我2010-12-20 10:48 AM
  181. 000:yes 收嫁~不過唔知會唔會扣$$2010-12-20 10:48 AM
  182. 000:好似聽人講你唔話佢知係新加坡機都冇人知2010-12-20 10:48 AM
  183. cys:re CD,有人試過唔可以,但有人就好彩比番餘額佢,你試下無妨,哂少少時間姐2010-12-20 10:48 AM
  184. 鋒:cd,佢話cut單之後唔可以再改張單,cut之前改就唔知啦~~2010-12-20 10:49 AM
  185. 鋒:俾部機佢先,佢問先算^^2010-12-20 10:50 AM
  186. CalmDown:re cys: call o左啦, 佢話唔得, 我覺得係可以架囉, 不過個電話唔係我傾, 我幫人問, 如果係我傾點都嘈一輪..2010-12-20 10:50 AM
  187. CS:新加坡1次凈係可以訂2部嗟2010-12-20 10:50 AM
  188. 000:今日唔知升定跌= =2010-12-20 10:50 AM
  189. ken:希望升啦2010-12-20 10:51 AM
  190. 000:有好多人叫我6500 sell俾佢! 唔知sell唔sell好!2010-12-20 10:51 AM
  191. CalmDown:re 000, 我睇到有任何跌o既因素...暫時2010-12-20 10:51 AM
  192. ken:同埋快d有得再訂就好了2010-12-20 10:51 AM
  193. CalmDown:睇唔到2010-12-20 10:51 AM
  194. 鋒:ken,快極都應該要到出年..2010-12-20 10:51 AM
  195. CalmDown:出年就係新年賀禮2010-12-20 10:51 AM
  196. ken:呢排好慘呀2010-12-20 10:52 AM
  197. CalmDown:or 情人節禮物2010-12-20 10:52 AM
  198. ken:比人cut 哂d單2010-12-20 10:52 AM
  199. cloud:no stock la!!! X'mas coming2010-12-20 10:52 AM
  200. ken:d股又係咁趺2010-12-20 10:52 AM
  201. CalmDown:yes, 67, 68 唔係一個夢2010-12-20 10:52 AM
  202. NYS:邊到有人收6500????2010-12-20 10:52 AM
  203. Angus:我都想快D有得訂, 今次我係搵生活費2010-12-20 10:52 AM
  204. ken:希望chinese new year 前可以開啦2010-12-20 10:52 AM
  205. ken:比人過返個肥年2010-12-20 10:53 AM
  206. Angus:下一次我再搵到先買IPHONE..2010-12-20 10:53 AM
  207. ken:我都無iphone42010-12-20 10:53 AM
  208. ken:有親次次都賣左2010-12-20 10:53 AM
  209. Angus:我仲用緊我部5800...2010-12-20 10:53 AM
  210. cloud:I'll reserve 1 White IP4 for me if white IP4 can be ordered2010-12-20 10:54 AM
  211. CalmDown:5800唔差呀2010-12-20 10:54 AM
  212. 真iPhone人:新年將d ip4 放入糖果盒到~2010-12-20 10:55 AM
  213. Schizo:講中咗,講下講下 RMB5800 真係到咗 xDD2010-12-20 10:55 AM
  214. Angus:我部5800用左2年幾, 都想用下新野...2010-12-20 10:56 AM
  215. 000:d人真係有錢@@2010-12-20 10:56 AM
  216. Angus:係咪有消息話白色下年春季有?2010-12-20 10:57 AM
  217. Dee:請問如果我想買SG機, apple 會唔會送到香港這邊 ??2010-12-20 10:57 AM
  218. ken:我用緊幾百蚊d機呀2010-12-20 10:57 AM
  219. boiwe:有沒有人放機2010-12-20 10:59 AM
  220. 唉:重係NYS............2010-12-20 11:00 AM
  221. rise up:will be $6600 today?2010-12-20 11:00 AM
  222. T:咁多位c hing, 有無人係nys, 但一直都無收過confirm e-mail?2010-12-20 11:01 AM
  223. Dee:我D fd 講, 買SG機 apple 唔會送到香港這邊, 是不是 ??2010-12-20 11:01 AM
  224. ken:我都想有6600呀!!!2010-12-20 11:01 AM
  225. ken:go go go2010-12-20 11:01 AM
  226. 唉:RE-T 一樣2010-12-20 11:01 AM
  227. Kaso:Call apple la2010-12-20 11:01 AM
  228. rise up:yeah will be up2010-12-20 11:01 AM
  229. 請按左上角註冊1:up up up!2010-12-20 11:02 AM
  230. T:re - 唉: thanks.2010-12-20 11:02 AM
  231. 唉:好擔心2010-12-20 11:03 AM
  232. T:me too~2010-12-20 11:03 AM
  233. rise up:uw price is 6550 now2010-12-20 11:03 AM
  234. cys:啱啱我有1 order轉左PFS2010-12-20 11:03 AM
  235. T:to : cys..how many pcs?2010-12-20 11:04 AM
  236. Jmama:32G*4 by DHL arrived :P2010-12-20 11:04 AM
  237. cys:2 PCS2010-12-20 11:05 AM
  238. 鋒:cys,轉左都有可能變番nys2010-12-20 11:05 AM
  239. Angus:幾時先到我, DAY1等到宜家都係NYS...2010-12-20 11:05 AM
  240. carmen:so think abt singapore iphone la2010-12-20 11:05 AM
  241. carmen:quicker2010-12-20 11:06 AM
  242. christ:星加波888=香港?$2010-12-20 11:09 AM
  243. carmen:53002010-12-20 11:10 AM
  244. Jmama:~=53002010-12-20 11:10 AM
  245. christ:係扺喎~~不過要識人先收到貨..2010-12-20 11:10 AM
  246. will:what us the update price of iphone 4 16 and 32 at st2010-12-20 11:14 AM
  247. gG:ST take singapore phones for cheaper2010-12-20 11:14 AM
  248. gG:65002010-12-20 11:14 AM
  249. gG:not 65002010-12-20 11:14 AM
  250. 213:仲係NYS 都唔知等到幾時2010-12-20 11:14 AM
  251. cys:re 鋒:呢張係要re-authorisation嘅,我今朝打電話問apple ,我張咭都冇問題,佢話會有人覆我,跟住轉左nys>prs好快2010-12-20 11:15 AM
  252. cys:pfs2010-12-20 11:16 AM
  253. 鋒:cys,我上星期尾俾人cut單...最後有張轉左pfs , 星期六夜晚變番nys , 到左星期日又變左pfs...=.=2010-12-20 11:20 AM
  254. 鋒:到而家都仲係pfs...2010-12-20 11:21 AM
  255. 董菲:我都有 轉來轉去a2010-12-20 11:21 AM
  256. iphonefromSG:hi all, i have questions about ST2010-12-20 11:23 AM
  257. cys:鋒,我有1order 都係咁2010-12-20 11:23 AM
  258. iphonefromSG:I am going to take 4 iphones from SG to HK tomorrow2010-12-20 11:23 AM
  259. iphonefromSG:will I have any trobule in SG/HK customs ?2010-12-20 11:23 AM
  260. 2010-12-20 iPhone4 先達收機價:clean stock2010-12-20 11:25 AM
  261. Schizo:You have to understand SG's rules and regulations. HK is a free market and iPhones should not be 'restricted items'2010-12-20 11:27 AM
  262. carmen:if give tax...it is freeto send to hk, right?2010-12-20 11:28 AM
  263. will:what us pfs ?2010-12-20 11:28 AM
  264. 鋒:=.= 都唔知佢玩乜...出就出啦...轉黎轉去貪過癮咩~~2010-12-20 11:28 AM
  266. Schizo:Think about import/export to/from Hong Kong, you only have to declare it2010-12-20 11:28 AM
  267. Schizo:pfs is prepared for shipment2010-12-20 11:28 AM
  268. Schizo:I don't think iPhone is a taxable item though2010-12-20 11:29 AM
  269. Angus:好感動, 我終於PFS...2010-12-20 11:30 AM
  270. 唉:......2010-12-20 11:30 AM
  271. Schizo:鋒:轉到你暈,嚇到你傻,因為佢地唔底得你賺2010-12-20 11:30 AM
  272. 鋒:Angus,出完先感動啦唉...2010-12-20 11:30 AM
  273. Schizo:唔好嚇人喇,ok 架啦2010-12-20 11:31 AM
  274. 鋒:Schizo,唔抵得我o地賺咁佢o地再賣貴o的嘛^^ 哈~~2010-12-20 11:31 AM
  275. 唉:PFS IS BETTER THAN NYS2010-12-20 11:31 AM
  276. carmen:so, the plan is..i order from net and ship to my singapore fd...and ask her to ship to HK2010-12-20 11:31 AM
  277. Schizo:唔好掛,我地都要水位架?2010-12-20 11:31 AM
  278. Angus:希望無事喇, 8部張單PFS, 4部NYS,,2010-12-20 11:32 AM
  279. Schizo:You can do so if that's profitable2010-12-20 11:32 AM
  280. IPHONEHD:冇水位嫁2010-12-20 11:32 AM
  281. CalmDown:re schizo, i think we can ask ask the customs and Excise before we take the action, which is ordering from Singapore2010-12-20 11:33 AM
  282. Schizo:HK definitely no problem. If Sg is ok, then no worries lar2010-12-20 11:35 AM
  283. Schizo:CD:
    all depends on whether you have Sg friend, courier from Sg to HK costs,
    the rest should be fine. Actually, check with shipping company and they
    should know the details
    2010-12-20 11:36 AM
  284. =]=]:AGNUS, 不要部數量2010-12-20 11:38 AM
  285. carmen:i called them la2010-12-20 11:38 AM
  286. =]=]:係報2010-12-20 11:38 AM
  287. 434:通常帶機出口都冇乜事,入口先要打稅2010-12-20 11:38 AM
  288. 董菲:有冇可以hold 係courier...再轉來香港ga2010-12-20 11:38 AM
  289. CalmDown:re schizo: you are right, check with shipping company is better than C&E2010-12-20 11:39 AM
  290. Schizo:董菲:全世界一樣,要 local address....2010-12-20 11:39 AM
  291. iphonefromSG:Thanks all. Another question, when I sell the items to ST, can I remove my name and address on the box?2010-12-20 11:40 AM
  292. iphonefromSG:Do I need to print out my online order form and present to ST for verification?2010-12-20 11:41 AM
  293. Schizo:如果有 SG friend,可以叫佢幫你搵速遞問,咁你就知成本幾多同要唔要打稅2010-12-20 11:41 AM
  294. CalmDown:re iphonefromSG: they don't care about that2010-12-20 11:41 AM
  295. WC:MUST remove my name and address on the box2010-12-20 11:42 AM
  296. Schizo:No
    lar, simple transaction. Go to one of the ST shops, ask what is the
    offer, hit your target price, sell. No, go to another shop. They will
    open the box for you, take them back or cross out all shipment details
    before you go there.
    2010-12-20 11:42 AM
  297. iphonefromSG:Thanks.. will there be any personal information inside the box?2010-12-20 11:42 AM
  298. CalmDown:ST doesn't even care about where/how you get your iphones, any deduction in money is just a freaking stupid trick to pay less2010-12-20 11:42 AM
  299. Schizo:No personal info inside lar..2010-12-20 11:42 AM
  300. fairicky:16號被cut左1個order,打上去apple問點解,佢話有專責部門會跟進,有冇人試過個order可以回魂?2010-12-20 11:43 AM
  301. toystrader:just take out the white box and sell it to st2010-12-20 11:43 AM
  302. iphonefromSG:also..
    if I buy iphone4 from SG resellers (like ST in HK).. should I ask them
    to open box to check? Will ST accept those items where the boxes are
    2010-12-20 11:43 AM
  303. Schizo:老鼠貨照收,所以小心南亞人,ST 不問來歷,只收 iPhone, 缺貨卻到乜2010-12-20 11:44 AM
  304. CalmDown:yes, i think ST receive a lot of stolen goods lately2010-12-20 11:45 AM
  305. Schizo:佢唔會 check 編號呀,睇有無報失呀,乜呀,物呀 哈哈2010-12-20 11:45 AM
  306. iphonefromSG:They will still pay the same.. if I open the white box to check?2010-12-20 11:45 AM
  307. Schizo:佢睇到 Dollar Sign ONLY!!2010-12-20 11:46 AM
  308. iphonefromSG:Thanks all chings2010-12-20 11:46 AM
  309. Schizo:Don't open the white box inside, they won't and shouldn't, unless they paid, PAID !!2010-12-20 11:46 AM
  310. CalmDown:but ST fuxking care, becoz they will pass the liability to the 大庄 everyday when they trade with the 大庄 everyday2010-12-20 11:46 AM
  311. Schizo:lunch time... c u guys later2010-12-20 11:47 AM
  312. CalmDown:re schizo, a month ago, they will open the white box actually, but i am not sure the current practice has changed or not2010-12-20 11:47 AM
  313. iphonefromSG:what if someone selling them a nice packed box withfake items ?2010-12-20 11:47 AM
  314. CalmDown:what a early lunch, see u2010-12-20 11:47 AM
  315. CalmDown:re iphonefromsg: sure, it happended before2010-12-20 11:48 AM
  316. CalmDown:it's just ST risk and concern, not yours2010-12-20 11:48 AM
  317. dreamlun:我想問你們去st放機會開個盒比佢嗎?2010-12-20 11:48 AM
  318. iphonefromSG:cool.. very interesting2010-12-20 11:49 AM
  319. iphonefromSG:in SG, resellers sell at 5800 each now.. how many should I buy? hehe..2010-12-20 11:49 AM
  320. CalmDown:re dreamlun: if they insist to open it for checking, you should insist to get the money first as well2010-12-20 11:49 AM
  321. CalmDown:re iphonefromSG: you decide it, it's your business2010-12-20 11:50 AM
  322. dreamlun:會不會開了機同我講那個價唔同2010-12-20 11:51 AM
  323. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":65502010-12-20 11:51 AM
  324. CalmDown:re
    dreamlun: as some pok guy ST will open your box, then they lower the
    reselling price to see if you accept it or not, if you don't, they will
    ask you to go other shops, but the values of your iphone4 will be
    lowered after unboxed
    2010-12-20 11:51 AM
  325. 反恐組:UWANTS好多放機仔自己扼自己既價, 請問有冇人知而家究竟16G, 32G咩價?2010-12-20 11:51 AM
  326. testing:今日大貨返2010-12-20 11:52 AM
  327. 鋒:dreamlun,收左錢先呀2010-12-20 11:52 AM
  328. testing:dhl fedfx 係咁派2010-12-20 11:52 AM
  329. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 11:52 AM
  330. CalmDown:re testing: oh really? that's great, everybody earns2010-12-20 11:53 AM
  331. CalmDown:224.80, your prices is 2 weeks ago, please update it2010-12-20 11:53 AM
  332. carmen:now hv 6500/75002010-12-20 11:53 AM
  333. dreamlun:說得好,收了錢先可以開2010-12-20 11:53 AM
  334. dada:32 g have $7500??2010-12-20 11:54 AM
  335. CalmDown:re dreamlun: just make a firm stand, don't be talked down so easily2010-12-20 11:54 AM
  336. WC:我住FEX倉對面有無大貨到我實見到2010-12-20 11:54 AM
  337. CalmDown:if 1 shop insist to open first and cash later, go other, play safe2010-12-20 11:54 AM
  338. WC:FEX堅城倉,大貨到咪吹水2010-12-20 11:55 AM
  339. CalmDown:re WC: i am curious, you live there, but ..you work @ where you live?2010-12-20 11:56 AM
  340. IPHONEHD:SAT都到左啦2010-12-20 11:56 AM
  341. dreamlun:fedfx送貨前會打比你嗎?2010-12-20 11:56 AM
  342. dreamlun:我等他來不敢出街2010-12-20 11:57 AM
  343. 董菲:問左 no....除非要求2010-12-20 11:57 AM
  344. dreamlun:什麼no2010-12-20 11:58 AM
  345. CalmDown:re deramlun, Fei: Yes, Fedex will call2010-12-20 11:58 AM
  346. 董菲:唔會打tel2010-12-20 11:58 AM
  347. WC:如果大貨到堅城倉次次堆到出門口2010-12-20 11:58 AM
  348. CalmDown:Fedex called me everytime before delivery, for my orders2010-12-20 11:59 AM
  349. IPHONEHD:re deramlun, Fei: no !!!2010-12-20 11:59 AM
  350. dreamlun:你想順手牽羊嗎?2010-12-20 11:59 AM
  351. 董菲:我剛打...因為my tel 轉了就fed轉電話la2010-12-20 12:00 PM
  352. aaa:點樣可以將張單番生呀2010-12-20 12:00 PM
  353. IPHONEHD:打去同佢講我想要iphone就有機會了2010-12-20 12:01 PM
  354. will:what is the price at st now for 16 and 32?2010-12-20 12:01 PM
  355. 董菲:工廠區都會打ma2010-12-20 12:02 PM
  356. WC:人番生容易過蘋果單番生2010-12-20 12:02 PM
  357. IPHONEHD:番生等於等下次2010-12-20 12:03 PM
  358. yin:岩岩比apple玩野..要我再set過信用卡資料2010-12-20 12:03 PM
  359. 再set過信用卡資料:再set過信用卡資料 ??/2010-12-20 12:04 PM
  360. mimi***:YIN~ME TOOO AR>"<2010-12-20 12:05 PM
  361. yin:出左d紅色字出黎2010-12-20 12:06 PM
  362. yin:我有個fd之前都係咁..apple係度玩野..跟本唔係信用卡有問題..set番之後好似差唔多會出貨2010-12-20 12:07 PM
  363. yin:有咁既情況快d搞番..唔係唔知幾時出貨2010-12-20 12:07 PM
  364. 董菲:情形似打蛇餅禁....可以延遲出貨2010-12-20 12:08 PM
  365. k:my fd order still nys!2010-12-20 12:09 PM
  366. yin:apple d招陳出不窮2010-12-20 12:09 PM
  367. mimi***:好煩ar~~依家又要等佢48hrs2010-12-20 12:09 PM
  368. will:what is nys ?2010-12-20 12:10 PM
  369. gG:DOES ST TAKE IPHONE FRM CANADA?2010-12-20 12:11 PM
  370. yin:nys = not yet shipped2010-12-20 12:11 PM
  371. gG:does st take iphone from canada?2010-12-20 12:11 PM
  372. carmen:in fact..how St know it is HK or SIngapore iphone?2010-12-20 12:16 PM
  373. 你好嗎?:有CODE睇2010-12-20 12:18 PM
  374. 987:請問 apple話 信用卡有問題係咪會send email黎問你 card no. / 地址 / 卡主名?2010-12-20 12:18 PM
  375. 987:mailto:IDPROOF@ASIA.APPLE.COM">電郵2010-12-20 12:19 PM
  376. aa:no呀2010-12-20 12:19 PM
  377. 987:Apple Store Payment Management 800-930-748 (Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.30pm)2010-12-20 12:20 PM
  378. aa:唔會mail問你掛=.=2010-12-20 12:21 PM
  379. WC:無貨派點解10 DEC要開買2010-12-20 12:23 PM
  380. 987:我之前買都未試過收email話要確認信用卡資料2010-12-20 12:24 PM
  381. aa:電話都好似不同了 你小心係假野2010-12-20 12:24 PM
  382. carmen:apple really no stock...need to break the order2010-12-20 12:26 PM
  383. 你好嗎?:10 DEC 訂個都好多人都收到貨...可能係你訂的方法,INFO出問題2010-12-20 12:26 PM
  384. LIGO^^:我仲係準備出貨....中...唉2010-12-20 12:28 PM
  385. era:我收到email, 但係DHL...Dec 18, 2010 01:15 Hkg - HKG Arrived at delivery facility - Hkg - HKG2010-12-20 12:28 PM
  386. era:之後都未update過...2010-12-20 12:29 PM
  387. LIGO^^:唔知等到幾時2010-12-20 12:30 PM
  388. WC:10 DEC 訂個都好多人都收到貨,好似1-2部單2010-12-20 12:32 PM
  389. WC:同事5部一張單NYS2010-12-20 12:34 PM
  390. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 12:34 PM
  391. aa:8chi=.=2010-12-20 12:34 PM
  392. 000:6300我收@@2010-12-20 12:35 PM
  393. yin:我係1-2部單黎..仲係nys2010-12-20 12:36 PM
  394. WC:6300係ST有幾多收幾多,跟手入去放2010-12-20 12:36 PM
  395. LIGO^^:唉..唔好玩我la2010-12-20 12:36 PM
  396. Corey:我仲未轉呀!!2010-12-20 12:36 PM
  397. LIGO^^:2pcs都未有2010-12-20 12:36 PM
  398. =]=]:still nys2010-12-20 12:37 PM
  399. =]=]:=33=2010-12-20 12:37 PM
  400. LIGO^^:咩人會快d送2010-12-20 12:37 PM
  401. aa:我仲慘nys>pfs>nys>pfs2010-12-20 12:37 PM
  402. aa:玩野-.-now冇消息2010-12-20 12:37 PM
  403. WC:又做統計,張單ORDER幾多2010-12-20 12:38 PM
  404. WC:如果1-2部好多都收貨2010-12-20 12:38 PM
  405. WC:3-4 PCS PERPARE SHIPMENT2010-12-20 12:39 PM
  406. WC:5 OR ABOVE NYS2010-12-20 12:40 PM
  407. =]=]:請不要報機數2010-12-20 12:40 PM
  408. WC:你睇個價你就知無貨,咪係可以作有無機2010-12-20 12:42 PM
  409. 死者1:iphone 4 16gb 6550, 32gb 74802010-12-20 12:43 PM
  410. WC:個價一定講供求,吹都無用,所以有人話6300費話2010-12-20 12:46 PM
  411. Ki:ST 16G $6400 32G $7350 咁低點放呀!2010-12-20 12:46 PM
  412. 000:得6400咋 = =2010-12-20 12:48 PM
  413. Lampard:其實琴日我係ST問左好多間..最多都係$6450 for 16gb2010-12-20 12:49 PM
  414. WC:店鋪或mtr收Iphone4 16g $6480 32g 7450 Tel 96400950 ming2010-12-20 12:49 PM
  415. Lampard:都唔知$6530邊到有..2010-12-20 12:50 PM
  416. 000:st 有鬼人放俾佢咩u記都有好幾個人收65002010-12-20 12:51 PM
  417. WC:或者星期六日ST吃飽左,要等一等2010-12-20 12:51 PM
  418. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 12:52 PM
  419. Lampard:但係u記D電話打得到嗎??我打過唔WORK架WOR2010-12-20 12:53 PM
  420. WC:6300有幾多要幾多係ST問門口交收2010-12-20 12:53 PM
  421. WC:一部最少賺一佰,跟手入去放2010-12-20 12:54 PM
  422. rise up:6300 too low uw average 6480 la2010-12-20 12:54 PM
  423. WC:佢吹水63002010-12-20 12:55 PM
  424. 000:得呀..2010-12-20 12:55 PM
  425. rise up:re: 請註冊1 Don't blow water you will eat yourself2010-12-20 12:56 PM
  426. Felix:ching , 想問今日16g咩價?2010-12-20 12:57 PM
  427. WC:6300唔係唔得,蘋果開買,個價咪跌2010-12-20 12:57 PM
  428. ER:16G 6550 32G 74802010-12-20 12:59 PM
  429. iPhone人:56002010-12-20 12:59 PM
  430. dc2r:where 6550?2010-12-20 1:09 PM
  431. carmen:hv 6500 la2010-12-20 1:12 PM
  432. caca88hk:有冇人等6700?2010-12-20 1:13 PM
  433. christ:我等70002010-12-20 1:13 PM
  434. iphone4lover:3台出機係咪一定要開盒2010-12-20 1:17 PM
  435. sdf:one2three no need to open box2010-12-20 1:23 PM
  436. LIGO^^:3出台都抵2010-12-20 1:26 PM
  437. iphone4lover:但3台出機好似係最抵WOR2010-12-20 1:27 PM
  438. csf:開唔開冇分別2010-12-20 1:31 PM
  439. ppm:16G - $6600未?2010-12-20 1:32 PM
  440. csf:我之前都係3出過2010-12-20 1:32 PM
  441. ppm:16G - $6600未?2010-12-20 1:33 PM
  442. ppm:16G - $6600未?2010-12-20 1:33 PM
  443. ppm:16G - $6600未?2010-12-20 1:33 PM
  444. YR_2:你話唔使開佢都唔會迫你開2010-12-20 1:37 PM
  445. SugarFree:3話一定要開盒check2010-12-20 1:47 PM
  446. LIGO^^:3 can no need open box2010-12-20 1:52 PM
  447. csf:嗯..係一定要開既2010-12-20 1:53 PM
  448. csf:不過係st好多都唔理你有冇開既2010-12-20 1:54 PM
  449. armlabs.net:3 仔係個客要開盒先會開.2010-12-20 1:57 PM
  450. ip5:12月10訂既朋友, 今日收到貨未呀 ? 預計幾時送貨 ?2010-12-20 1:58 PM
  451. armlabs.net:iphone4lover: 不是2010-12-20 1:58 PM
  452. 董菲:nys2010-12-20 2:00 PM
  453. 真iPhone人:fck...2010-12-20 2:00 PM
  454. 你好嗎?:回IP5 12月10號,我上星期六下午收到了IP4 16GB2010-12-20 2:00 PM
  455. csf:我上星期6都收到2010-12-20 2:01 PM
  456. csf:有單頭先轉左pfs2010-12-20 2:02 PM
  457. ken:今自己收到貨了2010-12-20 2:02 PM
  458. ken:今日2010-12-20 2:02 PM
  459. armlabs.net:好多人在又一城瘋澤排隊等IPHONE2010-12-20 2:03 PM
  460. LIGO^^:就係未2010-12-20 2:03 PM
  461. Hello9999:No one lines up at Central2010-12-20 2:03 PM
  462. happyup:想問係唔係去先達是但一問都放到這個價??2010-12-20 2:04 PM
  463. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 2:04 PM
  464. Hello9999:yesterday was 6500...2010-12-20 2:05 PM
  465. Hello9999:today seems to drop a bit2010-12-20 2:05 PM
  466. Hello9999:6450...2010-12-20 2:05 PM
  467. csf:有傳話凶宅甘日有大貨番2010-12-20 2:05 PM
  468. happyup:有冇話要去邊間放嫁??2010-12-20 2:05 PM
  469. Hello9999:i don't trust it lar2010-12-20 2:05 PM
  470. csf:睇黎都係流料2010-12-20 2:05 PM
  471. Hello9999:If it did, the price wouldn't hit 65002010-12-20 2:06 PM
  472. Hello9999:6500 is milestone.2010-12-20 2:06 PM
  473. et:每朝早都有人在又一城瘋澤排隊等IPHONE2010-12-20 2:06 PM
  474. Hello9999:I went to G103...2010-12-20 2:06 PM
  475. WC:uwant有人亂放料2010-12-20 2:06 PM
  476. csf:有都唔輪到你地排d人啦2010-12-20 2:06 PM
  477. Hello9999:He seems to be a nice guy and I always got the highest price...2010-12-20 2:06 PM
  478. Hello9999:Correct...2010-12-20 2:06 PM
  479. happyup:thx... hello99992010-12-20 2:06 PM
  480. WC:有料都自己去排2010-12-20 2:07 PM
  481. Hello9999:We are not line up at Fortresss.2010-12-20 2:07 PM
  482. et:吾表示有得賣2010-12-20 2:07 PM
  483. Hello9999:is stupid. You could get ONE pcs...2010-12-20 2:07 PM
  484. Hello9999:I won't waste my time.2010-12-20 2:07 PM
  485. 鋒:上個星期一開始德福朝朝都有人排隊...2010-12-20 2:07 PM
  486. Hello9999:Will only do it at Apple store online.2010-12-20 2:07 PM
  487. ken:有無人剛剛去完st 放32g呀2010-12-20 2:08 PM
  488. Hello9999:Only crazy people lines up at Fortress.2010-12-20 2:08 PM
  489. ken:幾錢呀?2010-12-20 2:08 PM
  490. et:頭幾位都是內地人及阿婆2010-12-20 2:08 PM
  491. WC:中環人聰明D,無人排2010-12-20 2:08 PM
  492. csf:一定係流料2010-12-20 2:09 PM
  493. stdog:what is the price for 16g today ?2010-12-20 2:09 PM
  494. Hello:56002010-12-20 2:09 PM
  495. csf:睇黎都係"狗"招2010-12-20 2:09 PM
  496. WC:咪儍,放料比你地排隊2010-12-20 2:10 PM
  497. Hello9999:6450 lar... lower than 6450, don't sell it...2010-12-20 2:10 PM
  498. carmen:hv 6500 la2010-12-20 2:11 PM
  499. Hello9999:6500 now???2010-12-20 2:11 PM
  500. Hello9999:not bad... uwants has dropped a bit.2010-12-20 2:11 PM
  501. WC:個FRIEND來電NYS2010-12-20 2:11 PM
  502. toystrader:oh no~ we are all 黃牛2010-12-20 2:15 PM
  503. toystrader:32gb 7400+2010-12-20 2:15 PM
  504. Hello:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-20 2:15 PM
  505. WC:條友小炳2010-12-20 2:17 PM
  506. toystrader:秒殺 by hello~2010-12-20 2:17 PM
  507. ip5:12月10號訂的朋友, 轉左"淮備出貨"的單未呀 ?2010-12-20 2:19 PM
  508. WC:NYS2010-12-20 2:19 PM
  509. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 2:19 PM
  510. LIGO^^:轉左幾日都冇消息2010-12-20 2:20 PM
  511. EC:ip5, 未,剛剛打左上apple2010-12-20 2:24 PM
  512. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":65xx 16G2010-12-20 2:25 PM
  513. WC:請註冊1 "ST 16G 6500 32G 7600"2010-12-20 2:26 PM
  514. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 2:27 PM
  515. 真iPhone人:黃牛裝秒殺器搶iPhone4 從4999元被炒到6200元2010-12-20 2:27 PM
  516. 過路人:請問邊間隔有$6500?2010-12-20 2:28 PM
  517. 請註冊2:嘩!唔係ST 16G 65002010-12-20 2:28 PM
  518. 請註冊2:個FRIEND來電ST好多都開始收$65002010-12-20 2:29 PM
  519. 真iPhone人:66002010-12-20 2:30 PM
  520. 真iPhone人:16G 66002010-12-20 2:30 PM
  521. stdog:6600 real or not ar ?2010-12-20 2:31 PM
  522. armlabs.net:where 66002010-12-20 2:31 PM
  523. dada:請註冊1 ST 16G 4988 32G 58882010-12-20 2:31 PM
  524. WC:"嘩!唔係ST 16G 6600"2010-12-20 2:33 PM
  525. carmen:yes..sure hv 6500...but where 66002010-12-20 2:33 PM
  526. 過路人:邊間有6600? now st only64702010-12-20 2:33 PM
  527. yoyo:32g收幾錢呀??2010-12-20 2:34 PM
  528. JP:今日會收2 部 32G2010-12-20 2:35 PM
  529. ab:"秒殺器" 強~2010-12-20 2:39 PM
  530. 133:依家32gb 至少74502010-12-20 2:39 PM
  531. 434:16g $65802010-12-20 2:42 PM
  532. armlabs.net:其實用家在旺角入一部自用要幾錢呢?2010-12-20 2:42 PM
  533. 請:why 16G higher than 32G version?2010-12-20 2:44 PM
  534. phone4:6580 should be a reasonable price2010-12-20 2:44 PM
  535. phone4:since 6470 last week2010-12-20 2:45 PM
  536. ab:$6580 really? good2010-12-20 2:45 PM
  537. 434:數碼xx2010-12-20 2:45 PM
  538. ken:32g 呢?2010-12-20 2:46 PM
  539. phone4:If 數碼xx is 6580 then now should be 6600. since they open 6400 last week2010-12-20 2:46 PM
  540. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 2:47 PM
  541. LCH:數碼xx 6580?2010-12-20 2:48 PM
  542. code:我都有部用緊嘅32g想放,放到幾錢呢?2010-12-20 2:48 PM
  543. WC:嘩!唔係ST 16G 66002010-12-20 2:49 PM
  544. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":請註冊1 都不停加價比我地... 5600 ---> 6300 ...2010-12-20 2:49 PM
  545. ab:請註冊1 係咪活於過去....?2010-12-20 2:49 PM
  546. ab:back to the future2010-12-20 2:50 PM
  547. phone4:使冬前應該唔會停2010-12-20 2:50 PM
  548. 過路人:應該無 6580咁高2010-12-20 2:51 PM
  549. boiwe:邊有?誰說apple store 開賣了2010-12-20 2:51 PM
  550. WC:儍鴨2010-12-20 2:53 PM
  551. ab:XD2010-12-20 2:53 PM
  552. 真iPhone人:~~~~ 聖誕快樂 ~~~~2010-12-20 2:56 PM
  553. stdog:6600 real or not ar ?2010-12-20 2:57 PM
  554. ken:真係6600, 係邊呀, 我想放2010-12-20 2:57 PM
  555. 升呀~:邊有開賣2010-12-20 2:59 PM
  556. ab:聖誕升價快樂~2010-12-20 3:00 PM
  557. hellyeah:講埋邊間啦, 去到間間都係64xx2010-12-20 3:02 PM
  558. pencil:12月10號訂,啱啱先轉pfs2010-12-20 3:05 PM
  559. ab:pencil, 恭喜你2010-12-20 3:05 PM
  560. i瘋:re:
    Hello9999. I also went to ST G103 on Last Saturday. The couple was
    quite nice and offered the highest price on that day $6420 whilst most
    of others only offered $6400.
    2010-12-20 3:05 PM
  561. ab:hellyeah 價格隨時變動啦2010-12-20 3:05 PM
  562. i瘋:Sorry Sat should read Fri2010-12-20 3:06 PM
  563. Hello9999:Yes, I am here2010-12-20 3:06 PM
  564. Hello9999:hahahaha2010-12-20 3:06 PM
  565. Hello9999:Checked out G103...2010-12-20 3:06 PM
  566. Hello9999:The boss is very nice...2010-12-20 3:07 PM
  567. Hello9999:I will visit him again tomorrow night for 1 BOX...2010-12-20 3:07 PM
  568. Hello9999:Couldn't do tonight because I am busy.2010-12-20 3:07 PM
  569. 上海仔:兩公婆?2010-12-20 3:07 PM
  570. Hello9999:Yes, old guy2010-12-20 3:08 PM
  571. i瘋:One
    ST dog offered me $6390 on last Fri. I rejected his offer. He then
    asked me how much Iwould like to sell. I said $6420. That ST dog asked
    me to go to next shop.
    2010-12-20 3:08 PM
  572. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":ST 阿蟬妳至勁 <---2010-12-20 3:08 PM
  573. i瘋:Very rude.2010-12-20 3:08 PM
  574. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":ST dog always ask for ppl's target price than ask ppl leave2010-12-20 3:08 PM
  575. Hello9999:Always visit all shops. then sell it to the highest price...2010-12-20 3:08 PM
  576. Hello9999:doesn't care about which shop2010-12-20 3:08 PM
  577. i瘋:Yes 好似 兩公婆2010-12-20 3:09 PM
  578. Hello9999:Only highest price WINS2010-12-20 3:09 PM
  579. i瘋:Yes you are right2010-12-20 3:10 PM
  580. happyup:有時問咗班友唔答!!!2010-12-20 3:10 PM
  581. i瘋:But if they offer the same price, I'd give it to the nice guys.2010-12-20 3:10 PM
  582. ab:唔答係咪唔夠錢俾2010-12-20 3:10 PM
  583. happyup:所以好討厭間間問2010-12-20 3:11 PM
  584. happyup:好似要求佢買咁2010-12-20 3:12 PM
  585. ab:$$ 唔怕煩2010-12-20 3:12 PM
  586. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":G103 I asked before... I quota all shop price.. and when I return... she push the price $10 lower when I return2010-12-20 3:12 PM
  587. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":than I sell to other shops2010-12-20 3:12 PM
  588. ab:人夾人緣 XD2010-12-20 3:12 PM
  589. golfmichael:Just sell 9 x 16G @ $6500 @ ST2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  590. happyup:有時我情願平d賣俾有禮貌的2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  591. Schizo:態度好你都唔會為10蚊行餐死,所以大家可以分享下邊間態度好,俾多D 生意佢都好2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  592. dreamlun:剛剛收了機,哈哈2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  593. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":She told me that day she got 200pcs 10Dec stock... say price will drop2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  594. Hello9999:really, G103.. The guy is better..2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  595. ab:now show know that not work la2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  596. Schizo:blacklist 果D 搵人笨、壓價、樣衰2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  597. Hello9999:Woman always wants to make extra few bucks.2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  598. Hello9999:Drop her pants...2010-12-20 3:13 PM
  599. Hello9999:The price is control by supply and demand...2010-12-20 3:14 PM
  600. ab:so we need to contact the husband?2010-12-20 3:14 PM
  601. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":I told her, pay the offer u gave me 5mins ago I sell all to you la.. she said price already dropped2010-12-20 3:14 PM
  602. Hello9999:I sold her more than 30pcs...2010-12-20 3:14 PM
  603. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":they both together in shop2010-12-20 3:14 PM
  604. =]=]:係囉~ST有啲收機佬,收價又低,仲要西口西面2010-12-20 3:14 PM
  605. Hello9999:She kept asking me where I got them2010-12-20 3:14 PM
  606. Hello9999:hahaha2010-12-20 3:15 PM
  607. =]=]:好似日日死老豆咁2010-12-20 3:15 PM
  608. ab:tell her: "from my ass"2010-12-20 3:15 PM
  609. 真iPhone人:=,=2010-12-20 3:15 PM
  610. HenRy "ST 阿蟬妳至勁":haaaa2010-12-20 3:15 PM
  611. ab:do u still want it?2010-12-20 3:16 PM
  612. ab:it's fresh and a little bit warm2010-12-20 3:16 PM
  613. Hello9999:Then you said you drop the iphone to other shops.2010-12-20 3:16 PM
  614. 真iPhone人:warm from ass ? =,=2010-12-20 3:16 PM
  615. bb:想問iphone4今日apple store有無開賣過?2010-12-20 3:18 PM
  616. 真iPhone人:俾我買晒~2010-12-20 3:18 PM
  617. Hello9999:low price.. kiss my ass.2010-12-20 3:19 PM
  618. Hello9999:only the highest price got my goods.2010-12-20 3:19 PM
  619. Hello:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-20 3:20 PM
  620. carmen:hv 6600 mei?2010-12-20 3:20 PM
  621. 董菲:kaka...2010-12-20 3:21 PM
  622. Hello9999:sometimes small shop has better price...2010-12-20 3:21 PM
  623. Hello9999:Must visit all shops before selling2010-12-20 3:21 PM
  624. Hello9999:Hello - it is time your medicine...2010-12-20 3:21 PM
  625. stdog:6600 real or not ar ?2010-12-20 3:23 PM
  626. dada:no $6600 at this moment2010-12-20 3:24 PM
  627. dada:just 65xx ja2010-12-20 3:24 PM
  628. Hello9999:Uwants start to see 6400..2010-12-20 3:25 PM
  629. happyup:無開盒會多幾錢到??2010-12-20 3:25 PM
  630. Hello9999:i think it is dropping now.2010-12-20 3:25 PM
  631. bb:apple store 有啦 !!!!!! <--有咩?2010-12-20 3:25 PM
  632. ken:why is dropping?2010-12-20 3:26 PM
  633. kuki:華強今日再升$20, 唔急可以hold陣先, 有力再上2010-12-20 3:27 PM
  634. happyup:其實無開盒會收高d...我諗唔明...2010-12-20 3:27 PM
  635. g-kit:有佢條毛囉2010-12-20 3:28 PM
  636. Hello9999:don't know lar...2010-12-20 3:28 PM
  637. Kaiser:i think "apple store 有啦“ should be a phrase that is banned in here2010-12-20 3:28 PM
  638. happyup:其實我放機時,佢都會開盒check嫁啦??!!2010-12-20 3:29 PM
  639. Schizo:開邊個盒先2010-12-20 3:29 PM
  640. bb:apple store究竟幾時會開賣?我only想要1部自用姐2010-12-20 3:30 PM
  641. Hello9999:open box???? DHL box or Apple box2010-12-20 3:30 PM
  642. happyup:apple box2010-12-20 3:30 PM
  643. Hello9999:No one will check Apple box. It would cost them HK$50 to open it2010-12-20 3:30 PM
  644. Hello9999:I sold more than 100pcs+ and no one opened Apple box2010-12-20 3:31 PM
  645. Schizo:唔啱價咪俾佢開2010-12-20 3:31 PM
  646. happyup:咁如果我盒裏面無機呢??2010-12-20 3:31 PM
  647. Hello9999:hahaha2010-12-20 3:31 PM
  648. Schizo:無試過俾人咁開法2010-12-20 3:31 PM
  649. Hello9999:Do you think you could walk out of ST safely...2010-12-20 3:31 PM
  650. Hello9999:Don't dream la2010-12-20 3:31 PM
  651. Hello9999:I won't risk my life over it..2010-12-20 3:32 PM
  652. Hello9999:You are here for MONEY....2010-12-20 3:32 PM
  653. Schizo:你輕飄飄咁俾佢係人都開喇,咪講笑,搵錢姐,呢度。。2010-12-20 3:32 PM
  654. 董菲:ssp 試過2010-12-20 3:32 PM
  655. happyup:咁佢哋真係唔會開盒 check??!!2010-12-20 3:33 PM
  656. Schizo:啱價開乜開囉,開咗壓價就細係假!!2010-12-20 3:33 PM
  657. Hello9999:They could open it to check once they give you MONEY...2010-12-20 3:34 PM
  658. Hello9999:No money no talk...2010-12-20 3:34 PM
  659. Schizo:開得門做生意,佢都唔想一鋪清台架,你估你真係好好蝦咩2010-12-20 3:34 PM
  660. Schizo:唔好搵人笨,人地都好難搵你笨,幾多人買賣先得架2010-12-20 3:35 PM
  661. 過路人:你咪真係要比佢地開盒?2010-12-20 3:36 PM
  662. 唐:今朝係唔係又開快閃?2010-12-20 3:37 PM
  663. Schizo:無咁嘅樹2010-12-20 3:37 PM
  664. 唐:schizo 今朝係咪又有得訂丫?2010-12-20 3:38 PM
  665. ip4444:apple store 無啦2010-12-20 3:38 PM
  666. Schizo:邊有,我都想入番D2010-12-20 3:38 PM
  667. 唐:ok thz2010-12-20 3:38 PM
  668. 唐:唉..9號有冇生還者丫?2010-12-20 3:39 PM
  669. Schizo:朝朝牛咁眼,10、11點特別留神2010-12-20 3:39 PM
  670. 唐:我20隻cut晒2010-12-20 3:39 PM
  671. Schizo:我都投訴緊2010-12-20 3:39 PM
  672. Schizo:真係 ‘新咳’‘舊咳’乜都咳2010-12-20 3:40 PM
  673. bb:apple store上一次開賣幾時?2010-12-20 3:41 PM
  674. Schizo:Dec 102010-12-20 3:42 PM
  675. cloud:10/12 10am - 11am2010-12-20 3:42 PM
  676. bb:之前有無料放出黎?2010-12-20 3:42 PM
  677. Schizo:ST 日日話有2010-12-20 3:43 PM
  678. 真iPhone人:咳’咳’咳’2010-12-20 3:43 PM
  679. Schizo:真係有果日,佢自己都唔得閒,博老命落單2010-12-20 3:43 PM
  680. 真iPhone人:博老命~博老命~博老命~2010-12-20 3:44 PM
  681. bb:等下一次都唔知等到幾時2010-12-20 3:44 PM
  682. Schizo:24 號,聖誕前2010-12-20 3:44 PM
  683. cloud:I think only Steve jobs or God know2010-12-20 3:45 PM
  684. stdog:6600 real or not ar ?2010-12-20 3:46 PM
  685. bb:係咪每次開賣都係早上10-11點左右?2010-12-20 3:46 PM
  686. dada:6600 is fake2010-12-20 3:47 PM
  687. Schizo:Steve 點會理幾時開,佢探郭 Sir 都係對大陸嘅 K 場有興趣姐2010-12-20 3:47 PM
  688. anonymousw:apple store 有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-20 3:47 PM
  689. Schizo:我地有偉大嘅開賣監測架2010-12-20 3:48 PM
  690. bb:有你個頭2010-12-20 3:49 PM
  691. stdog:what is the price for 16g today ?2010-12-20 3:49 PM
  692. DG:64502010-12-20 3:50 PM
  693. cloud:no stock la! X'mas coming2010-12-20 3:50 PM
  694. 上海仔:hi 又去左mk2010-12-20 3:52 PM
  695. anonymousw:apple store 真係有啦 !!!!!!2010-12-20 3:52 PM
  696. boiwe:邊有 anon 你騙人2010-12-20 3:53 PM
  697. cys:有好多無聊嘅人就真!日日都係呢句,你哋唔覺得悶咩?2010-12-20 3:53 PM
  698. anonymousw:你地唔好信囉..我買左.2010-12-20 3:54 PM
  699. cloud:有 3GS2010-12-20 3:54 PM
  700. DG:有...... 3GS 就有! 唔好搞事!2010-12-20 3:54 PM
  701. aa:咁你自己買多D2010-12-20 3:54 PM
  702. cloud:I want to buy IP4 only2010-12-20 3:54 PM
  703. 鋒:anonymousw,你唔好咁肯無聊啦2010-12-20 3:54 PM
  704. bb:有3GS 囧2010-12-20 3:54 PM
  705. 真iPhone人:2010-12-20 3:55 PM
  706. 真iPhone人:2010-12-20 3:55 PM
  707. Schizo:Sg 有,S$8882010-12-20 3:57 PM
  708. Schizo:32GB 都有添2010-12-20 3:57 PM
  709. Kaiser:apple store真有,但吾系香港store...2010-12-20 3:58 PM
  710. Schizo:答對了2010-12-20 3:58 PM
  711. Schizo:SG 一人2味2010-12-20 3:58 PM
  712. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 4:01 PM
  713. dada:apple 有貨呀, 去at&t 出機la2010-12-20 4:04 PM
  714. stdog:6300 ?2010-12-20 4:04 PM
  715. dada:u beleive 請註冊1?2010-12-20 4:04 PM
  716. stdog:of course not la2010-12-20 4:06 PM
  717. WC:收全新iPhone4 16G $6450 32G$7400 地鐵沿線交收 CALL: 97969839 or 94444322010-12-20 4:06 PM
  718. WC:請註冊1 "睇真D'你咪吹水2010-12-20 4:08 PM
  719. stdog:i want 6500 ar2010-12-20 4:08 PM
  720. WC:賺差價都賺到笑2010-12-20 4:08 PM
  721. DG:COPY from Uwants: 岩岩去完ST, G/F好多舖門口貼晒紙寫明16G收6.5K,32G就唔記得 反而1/F就無標明,問左好幾間都只係報6.3K至6.46K 所以最終落返G/F求其搵間標明收6.5K既放左佢算2010-12-20 4:09 PM
  722. 000:佢可能話自己係st 放6300叫你去st 收佢d貨都唔定~~2010-12-20 4:09 PM
  723. WC:u wants收機佬開價係平D2010-12-20 4:09 PM
  724. WC:怕且係條友6300放左,係到亂叫2010-12-20 4:11 PM
  725. dada:點解會有人幫親uwants? 點睇都係st 信得過la2010-12-20 4:11 PM
  726. WC:貪方便,不過危險D2010-12-20 4:12 PM
  727. horacewh:now st what price??2010-12-20 4:12 PM
  728. 000:方便d囉~2010-12-20 4:12 PM
  729. WC:有鋪好D,起碼有問題都有得追2010-12-20 4:13 PM
  730. 你好嗎?:而家先達係唔係6500 呢個價,已經好易搵到?2010-12-20 4:21 PM
  731. Jluk:Today cut?2010-12-20 4:22 PM
  732. happyup:佢哋收機會抄機身編號, 唔開盒, 點抄呀??2010-12-20 4:22 PM
  733. AC:盒後面有......2010-12-20 4:24 PM
  734. AC:紙皮盒上面都有.....2010-12-20 4:24 PM
  735. happyup:咁我明啦...2010-12-20 4:25 PM
  736. DG:ST most shop 6,5002010-12-20 4:30 PM
  737. wai2000:請問而家32gb, st收幾錢呢?2010-12-20 4:31 PM
  738. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6300 32G 73002010-12-20 4:34 PM
  739. DG:6300 我同你收......2010-12-20 4:35 PM
  740. Water:請註冊1, 你比10部我, 我 6350 同你收!2010-12-20 4:38 PM
  741. dada:apple 真係唔diu 唔得, 有個order 上星期四話我張卡有問題,check 過card center 跟本無沒,上星期5朝早打過1次,之後無reply返我,今日打左三次,到宜家先識hold limit.......2010-12-20 4:40 PM
  742. rise up:re:請註冊1 you lost your eye everywhere the price is 65002010-12-20 4:40 PM
  743. stdog:6600 real or not ar ?2010-12-20 4:41 PM
  744. WC:佢6300出哂貨,所以儍儍地2010-12-20 4:48 PM
  745. dada:is there have 5 pcs order change pfs? My 5 pcs order still nys.....2010-12-20 4:49 PM
  746. WC:My Friend 5 pcs order still nys2010-12-20 4:52 PM
  747. WC:蘋果根本無貨出,1、2部就出貨2010-12-20 4:55 PM
  748. xnym:我5部都仲係 nys2010-12-20 4:55 PM
  749. 真iPhone人:係.. 果兩個痴左... 成日叫 5600 同埋 6300 果兩個.. 佢地受左太大剌激, 傻左, 所以佢地會有陣時失驚無神會大嗌 "st 6300" 或 "st 5600" . 就黎青山一有位就會call 佢地回去.:argh: ^O^2010-12-20 4:55 PM
  750. Schizo:大家無需報數,有嘅你自然會收到,而家你可以做嘅只有等,好過我地有D 已經 cancelled by customer2010-12-20 4:56 PM
  751. Schizo:希望大家早日全部 NYS - PFS - 收機快樂 - 放機愉快2010-12-20 5:00 PM
  752. 真iPhone人:佢地兩個病幑都係有兩樣, 第一, 模仿其他人的名字, 第二, 失驚無神大嗌 "st 5600" 或 "st 6200" 或 "st 6300" .2010-12-20 5:01 PM
  753. ken:16g 依加咩價呀?2010-12-20 5:02 PM
  754. Schizo:真iPhone人:Apple Store 開啦 -- 係咪都係佢地專利呀?2010-12-20 5:02 PM
  755. WC:我都無貨,不過FRIEND第一次炒,HOPE HAVE HAPPY MERRY CHRISMAS2010-12-20 5:02 PM
  756. Schizo:WC: 等下一水開番果時有無緣訂到,同過唔過到日咳夜咳新咳狗咳咁喇!!2010-12-20 5:04 PM
  757. ken:希望快d有得再訂啦!2010-12-20 5:05 PM
  758. 董菲:我完左呢次要...另一個ac lu2010-12-20 5:06 PM
  759. 左手€:點樣contact 到版主﹖2010-12-20 5:08 PM
  760. ken:10 dec 我訂到, 但all cut12010-12-20 5:09 PM
  761. ken:好慘2010-12-20 5:09 PM
  762. ken:一部都唔比我2010-12-20 5:09 PM
  763. ken:所以我希望快d有下一次啦!2010-12-20 5:10 PM
  764. 真iPhone人:呢到個版主, 成日都有睇嫁.2010-12-20 5:13 PM
  765. WC:我安排新CARD新地址再戰蘋果2010-12-20 5:16 PM
  766. Jluk:今曰重有冇人cut單?2010-12-20 5:17 PM
  767. WC:不過如機會再訂唔知貪唔貪,貪又唔比貨2010-12-20 5:17 PM
  768. hellyeah:most shop 6500?2010-12-20 5:17 PM
  769. WC:今次貪全軍覆沒,唔貪反而中獎2010-12-20 5:19 PM
  770. pou846:HI2010-12-20 5:19 PM
  771. dada:i cant login to apple store now2010-12-20 5:19 PM
  772. pou846:大陸收iphone4 ,人仔5000-56002010-12-20 5:19 PM
  773. WC:OTHER FORUM SAID:蘋果一定要31DEC 送貨2010-12-20 5:21 PM
  774. WC:NYS或且要等31 DEC收貨2010-12-20 5:22 PM
  775. Jluk:重係nys,吾知cut吾cut,好痛苦2010-12-20 5:24 PM
  776. aaa:打去問左, 未訂過點解會cut了.........2010-12-20 5:25 PM
  777. cloud:no stock la! X'mas coming2010-12-20 5:25 PM
  778. aaa:一個ac所有order 加埋多個10部就自動cut晒...............無得留底2010-12-20 5:29 PM
  779. aaa:痴q線~~2010-12-20 5:29 PM
  780. kuki:y?2010-12-20 5:29 PM
  781. aaa:我只不過加埋11部, 就全部cut q晒~2010-12-20 5:30 PM
  782. kuki:好慘wor...2010-12-20 5:31 PM
  783. ken:wc 等, 都好過我all cut2010-12-20 5:31 PM
  784. bb:係之前訂果d iphone3加埋iphone4?2010-12-20 5:31 PM
  785. Jluk:係咪今日cut2010-12-20 5:32 PM
  786. aaa:勁慘2010-12-20 5:32 PM
  787. ken:唔係,上星期已比佢cut 哂2010-12-20 5:33 PM
  788. Jluk:今日未cut係咪有機會吾再cut2010-12-20 5:34 PM
  789. CHAN:唔知會升到幾多...2010-12-20 5:35 PM
  790. CHAN:放剩一部....慢慢玩..2010-12-20 5:36 PM
  791. HAPPY:依家幾多先2010-12-20 5:36 PM
  792. XMAX:宜家st仲收唔收active左既機?2010-12-20 5:40 PM
  793. XMAX:16gb active左幾多錢左右1?2010-12-20 5:40 PM
  794. ab:有冇人今日去ST?2010-12-20 5:41 PM
  795. ab:XMAX,咁缺貨,依家唔使減的2010-12-20 5:42 PM
  796. XMAX:咁爽歪歪 唔記爸打2010-12-20 5:43 PM
  797. XMAX:唔該爸打*2010-12-20 5:43 PM
  798. XMAX:自膠2010-12-20 5:43 PM
  799. XMAX:睇左成日 一面打機 一面做野 一面爬文2010-12-20 5:44 PM
  800. XMAX:先由15睇到宜家172010-12-20 5:44 PM
  801. 請註冊1:ST 16G 6350 32G 73502010-12-20 5:46 PM
  802. ab:請註冊1 又出嚟放機?2010-12-20 5:49 PM
  803. dada:註冊1 調高收機價wor!!!!!!!!!!!!!2010-12-20 5:50 PM
  804. HAPPY:又跌左...2010-12-20 5:50 PM
  805. HAPPY:今朝見d師兄話6500架2010-12-20 5:51 PM
  806. tmtyh:my order shipment pick up2010-12-20 5:51 PM
  807. 拾下拾下:收到貨ge 好快d放 遲d無咁高, 跌緊喇!2010-12-20 5:52 PM
  808. dada:st $6500 wor2010-12-20 5:52 PM
  809. ab:HAPPY 你第一日識 請註冊1?2010-12-20 5:53 PM
  810. ab:拾下拾下 收唔夠機2010-12-20 5:54 PM
  811. 拾下拾下:好心提下你地2010-12-20 5:54 PM
  812. YR:6340 only now ??2010-12-20 5:55 PM
  813. xdd:action required 點救?2010-12-20 5:55 PM
  814. ab:拾下拾下 出幾多先2010-12-20 5:55 PM
  815. WC:使鬼你提,升跌自己負責2010-12-20 5:57 PM
  816. ab:新嚟o既版友唔好亂信某啲低價報價2010-12-20 5:57 PM
  817. 拾下拾下:收到貨ge 好快d放遲d無咁高, 跌緊喇!2010-12-20 5:57 PM
  818. WC:6500大把水位輸,DON'T WORRY2010-12-20 5:59 PM
  819. JM:得個小小貨..2010-12-20 5:59 PM
  820. JM:點會趺..2010-12-20 5:59 PM
  821. WC:玩到今時今日;重怕2010-12-20 6:00 PM
  822. 七下七下:拾下拾下成日靠嚇~聖誕一定升2010-12-20 6:00 PM
  823. JM:真 on 9...2010-12-20 6:00 PM
  824. toystrader:st g/f many shops have shown price for asking 16/32gb. 16gb max 6520, 32gb 74302010-12-20 6:00 PM
  825. JM:升升升...^^2010-12-20 6:00 PM
  826. apple:仲係 nys2010-12-20 6:01 PM
  827. WC:新手都hold貨啦2010-12-20 6:01 PM
  828. XMAX:性旦前開多次apple store就very good2010-12-20 6:02 PM
  829. AAA:大家仲有幾多貨起手2010-12-20 6:02 PM
  830. toystrader:not many.2010-12-20 6:02 PM
  831. WC:贏鋪勁,輸頂龍打和怎致有二三百執2010-12-20 6:03 PM
  832. testing:o岩o岩返左50隻2010-12-20 6:04 PM
  833. apple:你地仲有冇order 係NYS?2010-12-20 6:05 PM
  834. WC:你見過賭錢有人包底未,蘋果幫你包底2010-12-20 6:05 PM
  835. testing:冇....2010-12-20 6:05 PM
  836. apple:我幾個朋友個d星期6 收到貨...2010-12-20 6:05 PM
  837. cloud:no stock la2010-12-20 6:05 PM
  838. apple:我打左上去問...話要等排期...2010-12-20 6:06 PM
  839. WC:收到貨D全部一二隻2010-12-20 6:06 PM
  840. apple:點解同一日可以差咁遠2010-12-20 6:06 PM
  841. apple:我fd一個7隻 一個 5隻~ 一個 4隻2010-12-20 6:06 PM
  842. XMAX:收工 上堂~2010-12-20 6:07 PM
  843. XMAX:明天見巴打s絲打s2010-12-20 6:07 PM
  844. XMAX:祝 今晚去st既有個靚價2010-12-20 6:07 PM
  845. WC:你個FRIEND老點你2010-12-20 6:07 PM
  846. aa:感動...有出貨通知了2010-12-20 6:08 PM
  847. hihi:先達今日有好多話唔收機住2010-12-20 6:08 PM
  848. hihi:唔知係咪有好多人放機2010-12-20 6:09 PM
  849. cloud:Really ?2010-12-20 6:09 PM
  850. carmen:impossible la2010-12-20 6:10 PM
  851. cheapple:aa: 感動...有出貨通知了...有tracking no?2010-12-20 6:10 PM
  852. cloud:I'll hold for X'mas if I have stock2010-12-20 6:10 PM
  853. carmen:st urgenly need the goods2010-12-20 6:10 PM
  854. aa:yes2010-12-20 6:11 PM
  855. carmen:at least hv 65002010-12-20 6:11 PM
  856. cloud:I' am considering selling $6700 before X'mas2010-12-20 6:11 PM
  857. carmen:me too..at least 6600 sin la2010-12-20 6:12 PM
  858. cloud:After X'mas I'll sell at $6900... HaHa! If I have stocks2010-12-20 6:12 PM
  859. hihi:頭先打左幾問幾間鋪都話唔收住2010-12-20 6:13 PM
  860. ab:7K2010-12-20 6:13 PM
  861. cheapple:aa...仲係PFS2010-12-20 6:14 PM
  862. halo:今日去過先達 收64xx2010-12-20 6:14 PM
  863. Kkau:Still nys2010-12-20 6:15 PM
  864. aa:我都係岩岩先check到有2010-12-20 6:19 PM
  865. cheapple:我都有tracking no2010-12-20 6:25 PM
  866. will:what is the update price for 16 and 32 now?2010-12-20 6:47 PM
  867. 升呀~:左手邊未有..2010-12-20 6:53 PM
  868. mic:32g 幾錢?2010-12-20 6:58 PM
  869. carmen:who is still NYS ?2010-12-20 7:12 PM
  870. 987:NYS TOO2010-12-20 7:14 PM
  871. FYF:中文仍係 nys2010-12-20 7:14 PM
  872. cloud:Chi NYS2010-12-20 7:16 PM
  873. carmen:price is 6500?2010-12-20 7:17 PM
  874. 987:ST邊間放貨態度好價錢合理?2010-12-20 7:19 PM
  875. DG:NYS + Standard Parcel (IN)2010-12-20 7:20 PM
  876. bb144:NYS是否一張ORDER 5 件或以上2010-12-20 7:28 PM
  877. 987:4件2010-12-20 7:34 PM
  878. DG:8pcs2010-12-20 7:36 PM
  879. FYF:no stock la2010-12-20 7:36 PM
  880. bb144:統計個5件以上NYS2010-12-20 7:37 PM
  881. bb144:5件睇怕聖誕後先有機派貨2010-12-20 7:39 PM
  882. kkau:我fd 1 order 10 部, 今日轉pfs, 但我就仲係nys.2010-12-20 7:43 PM
  883. DG:Very useful piece of information2010-12-20 7:44 PM
  884. DG:my another 4pcs order already PFS2010-12-20 7:44 PM
  885. 987:dg : 幾時轉pfs?2010-12-20 7:46 PM
  886. wip4:how much 32GB?2010-12-20 7:48 PM
  887. wip4:any brother can tell?2010-12-20 7:48 PM
  888. toystrader:32gb 74502010-12-20 7:51 PM
  889. toystrader:even 5 pcs of ip4 can opt for pick-up in kwaifong, damm need to go to kwaifong again2010-12-20 7:53 PM
  890. orz:今日st放咗65002010-12-20 8:05 PM
  891. DG:987: this afternoon2010-12-20 8:10 PM
  892. Fan:St 65102010-12-20 8:10 PM
  893. KM:nysing ALL~~~~ORDER2010-12-20 8:13 PM
  894. 987:恭喜晒2010-12-20 8:23 PM
  895. carmen:will hv 6600 ma2010-12-20 8:25 PM
  896. DG:thx, hope can get tracking no. very soon2010-12-20 8:30 PM
  897. EDKAY:6520 放咗2隻 應該好缺貨, 可以再升2010-12-20 8:38 PM
  898. dada:
    謝致電Apple。 我們已查看您的訂單<XXXXXXXXX>。您所訂購的 <IPHONE 4 BLACK
    16GB-ITP> 的預計送遞日期是 <31/12/2010> 。
    當您訂購的項目出貨時,您隨即會收到一封出貨通知電郵,其中會列明預計送達日期,送遞公司名稱,貨件追蹤編號及貨件追蹤連結。 您亦可瀏覽
    查看訂單的最新情況。 有關常見問題的解答,歡迎瀏覽此網址:http://store.apple.com/hk-zh/help?mco
    2010-12-20 8:40 PM
  899. dada:hold左我數,仲唔出貨,出封咁既email2010-12-20 8:41 PM
  900. dada:fuxk2010-12-20 8:41 PM
  901. Kkau:即係等於無答2010-12-20 8:44 PM
  902. AA:請問ST WHERE2010-12-20 8:46 PM
  903. dada:dllm, 話我張卡有問題,但又hold數,又無轉status,仲話31-12-2010 ship2010-12-20 8:49 PM
  904. =]=]:still nys~ =3=2010-12-20 8:59 PM
  905. lee888888:先來66無窮,再到71慶回歸 gogogo~2010-12-20 9:08 PM
  906. abcdefg:有冇C兄之前ORDER多過10隻, 到今次ORDER都冇比APPLE CUT?2010-12-20 9:57 PM
  907. IPHONE達人:ORDER10隻的 100%CUT2010-12-20 9:59 PM
  908. KM:收市咩價位 有冇C HING知?2010-12-20 10:05 PM
  909. pou846:6520 邊間收呀?2010-12-20 10:07 PM
  910. bb144:ORDER10隻的 100%CUT AGREE2010-12-20 10:16 PM
  911. bb144:所以D人話10部出貨99%老點2010-12-20 10:17 PM
  912. bb144:重要一點係,個個都係聽朋友講,非自已張單2010-12-20 10:20 PM
  913. bb144:第一次訂IPHONE Dfriend幾個訂5部NYS2010-12-20 10:24 PM
  914. JoeLee:my 3 x 10 order were totally CUT last week!2010-12-20 10:28 PM
  915. GL:HIHI2010-12-20 10:30 PM
  916. GL:有無人知 如果SHIP :24/12/2010, DELIVERS:31/12/2010係唔係即係有貨比我2010-12-20 10:34 PM
  917. IPHONEHD:TO GL: 未CUT就肯定有2010-12-20 10:45 PM
  918. IPHONEHD:31號前2010-12-20 10:45 PM
  919. lee888888:ORDER10隻的 100%CUT .有何理據呀~~2010-12-20 10:50 PM
  920. GL:IPHONEHD:TTHANKS2010-12-20 10:51 PM
  921. lee888888:係味淨講今次先??2010-12-20 10:52 PM
  922. lee888888:bb144:????/2010-12-20 10:52 PM
  923. phone4:I have 1 lot of 102010-12-20 10:56 PM
  924. bb144:新ACCOUNT 5部都難出貨況10部2010-12-20 11:02 PM
  925. bb144:自已最楚自已,訂10部有無出貨2010-12-20 11:03 PM
  926. aaa:應該好快會開番~今日聽CS 既口吻..2010-12-20 11:04 PM
  927. KM:開又咪抽簽!!2010-12-20 11:05 PM
  928. bb144:訂10部或以上大多數都係老主顧,蘋果HATE OLD CLIENT2010-12-20 11:06 PM
  929. toystrader:to bb144, for return customers, we always use new accs to order.2010-12-20 11:09 PM
  930. hihi:65102010-12-20 11:10 PM
  931. bb144:跟排蘋果政策每個客係紀錄上能超過10部2010-12-20 11:11 PM
  932. bb144:除非新CARD新地址,不過一次訂10部蘋果或會審查2010-12-20 11:12 PM
  933. bb144:總之現在一單訂10部太危2010-12-20 11:13 PM
  934. bb144:下次開買,一單二、三部較安全2010-12-20 11:15 PM
  935. bb144:好似我同個FIREND,—單一部,一單三部,一單5部,最早收貨係一部,三部剛剛BY FLEDX,五部NYS2010-12-20 11:18 PM
  936. bb144:今時今日揾食難2010-12-20 11:19 PM
  937. bb144:反轉睇,貨多價難升,今日價等於早排要賣二部2010-12-20 11:22 PM
  938. 殺~:都成2個星期冇開賣lu2010-12-20 11:22 PM
  939. bb144:如果HK開大陸開(大陸成個無開)個價插水,真矛盾2010-12-20 11:27 PM
  940. IPHONE達人:10部既唔會再出貨2010-12-20 11:29 PM
  941. sbck1993:又升價啦2010-12-20 11:30 PM
  942. yin:蘋果聖誕唔接受訂貨丫麻2010-12-20 11:30 PM
  943. bb144:出到快樂聖誕,唔得都無計2010-12-20 11:31 PM
  944. sbck1993:st賣出價系幾多2010-12-20 11:31 PM
  945. lee888888:IPHONE達人:你話事呀???2010-12-20 11:40 PM
  946. toystrader:for me, 10pcs self pick-up, 5pcs pfs, 5pcs nys, 2x5pcs cut2010-12-20 11:41 PM
  947. lee888888:toystrader:味係law,訂机既野,邊有話危唔危丫,一定訂盡~~有危必有机2010-12-20 11:47 PM
  948. HenRy:報, 今日ST 6500 收市2010-12-20 11:47 PM
  949. KLai:今日有張單復活!2010-12-20 11:48 PM
  950. toystrader:this time i regret to have mutiple order in one acc, who knows if apple cut all 10pcs for next open. make your own choice2010-12-20 11:53 PM
  951. IPHONEHD:如何復活法2010-12-20 11:59 PM

1 則留言: